Our Commitment

Sustainability is at the heart of our Mission. It is also at the heart of business operations. 

As a company, we commit to always strive to select the most environmental partners.

Efficiency and pricing are key for any company, but shared values are non-negotiable. 

We are aware of the high impact of AI on CO2 emissions and water consumption. This is why we carefully selected our cloud provider to mitigate our negative environmental footprint to the maximum. 

Why we chose OVH Cloud for our AI & Cloud Infrastructure

OVH Cloud is a global infrastructure provider, born in Europe. 

They are committed to the following: 

  • Managing their environmental impact every step of the way by building their own servers and data centers. As such, they have integrated sustainability in their model and practices for over 20 years: they integrated their industrial model in 2002 to better control their direct impacts and have been using their proprietary water-cooling technology since 2003 to optimize the use of energy of their servers.

  • Proactively re-using materials by disassembling 100% of their servers to give them a second life, using refurbished components in their servers and rehabilitating buildings to host their datacenters.

  • Being transparent by communicating on their environmental impact, not only in terms of greenhouse gases emissions, but also energy, water, waste, transportation management and by sharing their carbon footprint since 2017.

Their key environmental indicators 2023

Power Usage Effectiveness

It measures the efficiency of our energy consumption. The closest to 1, the better.
Our PUE is measured and audited over 12 months. Its calculation coverage rate stands at 88% in the datacenters we own and operate which makes it accurate and reliable.

OVH Cloud: 0.30 L/KWh IT

Water Usage Effectiveness

It measures the efficiency of our water consumption. The closest to 0, the better.

OVH Cloud: 0.18 kg CO2e/KWh IT

Carbon Usage Effectiveness

It measures the emissions of our datacenter operations (our direct emissions, and indirect emissions due to electricity consumption). The closest to 0, the better.

Their long-term commitments

Low carbon energy - OVHcloud aims at limiting the use of carbon energy, resorting to renewable but also other low carbon energies (nuclear, hydroelectricity) by 2025.

Contribution to Global NetZero - OVHcloud commit to contribute to Global NetZero, equivalent to Scope 1 & 2 by 2025, and to all 3 scopes by 2030

Zero waste to landfill - OVHcloud commits to zero waste to landfill by 2025

Find out more details about OVH Cloud’s Environmental Practices